
Internet World Stats

Internet World Stats > Europe > Montenegro

Montenegro flag

Internet Usage Stats and Telecom Reports

Internet Usage Statistics:
294,000 Internet users as of June/10, 44.1% of the population, according to the ITU.

Latest Population Estimate:
666,730 population for 2010, according to U.S Census Bureau.

Gross Domestic Product:
GNI per capita is US$ 2,620 ('05) according to World Bank.

Country Size (Area):
Montenegro has 14,026 sq km - Population density is 47 persons per sq km.

Internet Usage and Population Statistics:




% Pop.

Usage Source




n/a %





7.9 %





44.1 %


Montenegro Statistics
Discover Montenegro Statistics

Search Engines and Directories
Montenegro Search Engines

Montenegro Open Directory

Montenegro Country Profile

Montenegro in the Wikipedia
Country history, politics, map, geography, economy,
demography, full information and links.

Montenegro in the CIA Factbook
Country information about the economy, geography, government,
population, communications, military and transnational issues.

BBC Montenegro Profile
Up to date resume about country leaders, history, main events,
map, flag, geography, news, politics and media links.

Montenegro Government Page
Links, news and information about the Montenegro Government.

Montenegro ICT and Telecommunications Market Reports

Montenegro Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband Market and Forecasts Report
One of the newest Eastern European countries, Montenegro has struck out on its own since gaining independence from Serbia and Montenegro in 2006, a task made easier by the fact that it possessed a separate economy and set of institutions prior to independence. The European Union is the main trading partner of Montenegro, representing approximately 57% of total exports and 100% of imports. Montenegro has profited from EU trade preferences.

Montenegro’s telecom industry has been liberalised and legislation introduced that adopts regulatory principles found in the EU’s regulatory framework for communications, which promotes competition as the most efficient way to offer communications products and services while ensuring universal access. Despite liberalisation the incumbent Crnogorski Telekom continues to dominate the fixed-line market although the situation is likely to change due to introduction of new legislation giving stronger powers to the regulator to improve competition.
See table of contents and report summary.

Eastern European Internet, Broadband and Convergence (Tables only)
This report provides 337 statistical tables for the Internet, broadband and convergence activities, both on a regional and national level for the major 22 Eastern European countries.
See the report summary and table of content.

European Mobile Data Market Report
This report covers developments in Europe’s mobile data market, providing key analyses on emerging technologies and the growing consumer use of services. The countries covered in this report include: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine , United Kingdom.
Read the executive summary.

Austria - Mobile Market - Overview & Statistics Report
Austria has one of the highest mobile penetration levels in Europe and mobile growth has continued at about 9% during 2005. The country has a fiercely competitive mobile market, and although the population is only eight million it is served by four GSM network operators and five UMTS licence holders. The oversupply of capacity has lead to some of Europe’s lowest tariffs. Advanced wireless data services have been launched, including SMS, WAP, GPRS and 3G. The mobile operators have expanded beyond the relatively small market, to include more lucrative neighbouring markets such as Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. This Paul Budde report addresses these features of Austria’s wireless market in 2005 and early 2006, providing historical and current subscriber statistics, and an overview of key operators, technologies and data services.
See table of contents here

Keep tuned to the Internet Stats Today. New figures and updates become available all the time.

››› Page updated 30 June 2010

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